Spanie na dziko w Macedonii

Camping alone as a woman – are you gonna die?

Considering what people have told me about camping alone as a woman, I should be long dead. Serial killers, sexual predators, wild animals – they are behind every corner, just waiting for vulnerable girls in their tents. At least according to what most people seem to think when I tell them I camp alone. How can you keep yourself safe and not freak out about every potential danger waiting behind the thin canvas of your tent?  

Camping alone as a woman – are you gonna die? Czytaj dalej


Cycling in North Macedonia – practical bike touring guide

Imagine roads with almost no cars, going through vast mountain landscapes and along pristine lakes. Add ancient cultural sites and mystical orthodox churches with byzantine frescoes. Combine it with 300 sunny days in a year, great food and outstanding hospitality. North Macedonia, Balkans hidden gem, is a perfect destination for your cycling holidays. Here are some practical tips to prepare for your trip. 

Cycling in North Macedonia – practical bike touring guide Czytaj dalej

Lake Prespa

Paradise lost – Bike touring in North Macedonia

Every time I visit the Balkans, it’s like coming back. Although, I’ve never lived there, I feel this Yugonostalgia, missing something I never knew. Maybe in my previous incarnation, I was driving a Yugo or Zastava for a state-planned vacation? The South is paradise lost, wrote Kapka Kassabova in “By the lake”. Her story about Lakes Prespa and Ohrid gave me an impulse to visit North Macedonia.

Paradise lost – Bike touring in North Macedonia Czytaj dalej

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