About me

"I have never tried that before, so I think I should definitely be able to do that"
Astrid Lindgren, Pippi Longstockings

In July 2018, with tears in my eyes, I was packing for my first solo cycling trip. One fundamental question buzzed in my head: Why the hell did I quit my job without a plan?

That’s when I learned about the existence of a mysterious unit of measurement: the threshold mile.

It is longer than the nautical mile, the Norwegian mile, or the Chinese mile. Crossing the threshold of my home was the most challenging part of the journey.

Since then, paradoxically, I feel most at home when I admire a completely unknown road from the saddle. With no one beside me and all my belongings in two panniers and a handlebar bag. Bicycle touring became my favourite way of travelling.

With my bike, I have visited Kyrgyzstan, Norway, Ukraine, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Switzerland, Albania, Slovenia, Italy, Croatia, Hungary, Belgium, the Netherlands and a few more countries.

Sometimes, instead of cycling, I hike. Despite my fear of heights, I love being in the mountains. In winter, I love to go cross-country skiing.

Travelling is my training in attentiveness, courage, curiosity and openness. In a collision with the Other, I attempt to unlearn what I thought I knew. I try to get to see the world without prejudice. Visiting a new place, I love discovering step by step how it functions. No geography or history lesson, book or film, has taught me as much about the world as random encounters on the road.

On the blog, I share my travel stories, insights and advice on solo travel, bicycle touring and other travel-related topics.

As seen in…

BBC Travel

I wrote about the Trans Dinarica trail for BBC Travel.

Cycling Europe Podcast

I talked about my cycling journeys at the Cycling Europe Podcast.

RMWorld Travel

The RM World Travel radio interviewed me about cycling the Trans Dinarica.

Cycle Touring Festival

I talked about cycle touring in the Balkans at the Cycle Touring Festival in February 2025. You can watch my talk on YouTube.

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